Gratitude to Veterans

News & Announcements

In the early twentieth century the United States recognized November 11 in honor of the veterans who served in the first World War. The holiday was dubbed Armistice Day in recognition of the armistice signed at the conclusion of the war at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918. Four decades and several conflicts later the name of the holiday was changed in 1954 to Veterans Day, and it’s purpose was expanded to include honoring all veterans. The significance of this purpose cannot be understated. As stated in the principle often attributed to George Washington, “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by our nation.”

On this day West & Dunn joins in the chorus of voices offering thanks and gratitude to our nation’s veterans. You have been the defenders of our way of life and the ideals upon which this nation was founded, and for that we thank you.

In attempting to do our small part to honor veterans, West & Dunn remains committed to providing legal services to veterans.  A short time ago one of our attorneys, Shana Dunn, provided Wisconsin Lawyer Magazine with an overview of the legal hurdles faces by veterans when applying for disability benefits from the US Department of Veterans Affairs.  That article can be read in full here: Opportunity for Service and Growth: Representing Veterans. While we remain disappointed that the VA has not yet eliminated the inequity rampant throughout the VBA system, we remain encouraged by those individuals who have devoted their time to assisting veterans overcome the challenges that remain.

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