Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Claims

Experienced VA Disability Attorneys Helping Veterans & Their Families Nationwide

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that develops after a person experiences or witnesses a terrifying event. A Veteran with PTSD may suffer from symptoms including trouble sleeping, reliving the event, being overly vigilant, and being excessively irritable for many months or years after such an event. Today, PTSD is one of the most commonly service-connected disabilities.

Veterans can be exposed to many terrifying, life-threatening events that can lead to PTSD. Anything from war zone deployment, training accidents, military sexual trauma, or combat can cause PTSD in veterans. If you have been denied service connection for PTSD, or if the evaluation assigned to your service-connected PTSD is too low, West & Dunn can help with your appeal.

For the legal representation you need and deserve, contact our firm online or call 608-490-9449 today. We offer free case reviews and are dedicated to offering our clients high-quality, comprehensive legal service.

Symptoms of PTSD

You may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder if you experience any of the following symptoms: 

  • Feeling overly vigilant
  • Feeling emotionally cutoff or distant from others
  • Feeling irritated or suffering from bursts of anger
  • Feeling like you have to be constantly on guard
  • Feeling numb
  • Feeling upset by things that remind you of the traumatic event
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Losing interest in things you used to enjoy or care about
  • Struggling to sleep
  • Suffering from nightmares, vivid, memories, or flashbacks of the event (that make you feel like or believe it is happening again)

To schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys in Baraboo, Manitowoc, and Waunakee please call 608-490-9449 or contact us online today.

What Qualifies as PTSD for VA Disability?

To qualify for VA benefits, a veteran must be diagnosed with PTSD and obtain a medical opinion relating the PTSD diagnosis to the claimed stressor. Applicants must also provide a sufficiently detailed statement about the traumatic event or stressor that occurred during their military service.

Is It Easy to Get VA Disability for PTSD?

Claims for PTSD are frequently denied. These claims have an added layer of complexity. The veteran must provide a statement regarding the in-service stressor that provides VA with adequate information with which to corroborate that the stressor occurred. VA’s attempts to corroborate the claimed stressor are often halfhearted and the medical evaluators VA uses for opinions regarding the relationship between the current diagnosis and the claimed stressor often fail to completely review the record or provide a thorough examination. Because PTSD claims can be quite difficult to win, you need to retain the services of a skilled attorney during your appeal. A skilled and zealous advocate can make all the difference.

If you have been denied service connection for PTSD or if your claim has been granted but your evaluation is too low, contact West & Dunn today. Call 608-490-9449.